Cllr Gordon King represents Westbury East on both Wiltshire Council and Westbury Town Council
Gordon was re-elected to represent Westbury East on Wiltshire Council in 2021.
Westbury East | Unitary council election on Thursday 6 May 2021 | Results | Elections | Wiltshire Council
Gordon was also elected to represent Westbury East on Westbury Town Council in the 2021 local elections.
I am an experienced Councillor who has always had the community close to my heart and a real determination to succeed on your behalf and in turn help you succeed yourselves. I like to keep you informed and deliver my views and news via my FOCUS leaflets to your door on a quarterly basis (COVID permitting).
I work hard because I truly believe that Westbury has never had either its fair share of resources or attention from a Conservative Wiltshire Council, despite its obvious need that makes it a community in need of regeneration and revitalisation. I have become tired of hearing the charge that "we don't know what Westbury wants" and have got busy to make the Town Council do the work necessary to get the town noticed. That is why I pushed for the creation of the council's first ever business plan and midterm financial statement, getting the town ready to take on services from Wiltshire Council, create a new town vision and master plan and consult with you, our residents, via a neighbourhood plan so that you can have your say in how the town grows in the future.
As a Wiltshire Councillor I have won funding for highway improvement, estate pathways, developed a project to improve the digital inclusion of Westbury's vulnerable elderly and created a project to improve the quality of the water in Westbury's springs to improve biodiversity of plants and wildlife. I have campaigned against inappropriate development, first a gasifier and then an incinerator. Away from Council, I passionately fight social isolation and poverty, first working with others to found Crosspoint, train as a debt advisor, deliver food to those in need and help those in need fight for their benefits. Westbury is my passion and I will never finish working for the town & community.
To contact Gordon:
Wiltshire Council Email:
Westbury Town Council Email:
Phone: 01373 822650